8 Best Sexology Books You Should Read


October-06, 2022

Sexology is a scientific and social science that includes in-depth biological research on sexual function and reproduction with related fields with psychology, sociology, and history. But scientists didn't start referring to themselves as "sexologists" until the nineteenth century. Since then, sex has been the subject of a large and varied scope of scientific literature.


Here are eleven sexological works that have changed history, raised eyebrows, or are simply fascinating. There is a lot of sex in the media on TV and in movies but since I read some of the novels suggested, I have an intriguingly different perspective on it. What do you think the true purpose of sex is?


Three things are important: connection, connection, and connection. A strong connection that is both physical and emotional is at the heart of every amazing sex. I don't mean to complicate things, but I believe that having amazing sex is among the pinnacle human experiences. I'm not just referring to an orgasm here. I'm referring to the affiliation.


It could be a connection with another person or a connection with oneself. Theoretically, it could be a connection to a lot of other people, but it should probably be the subject of another discussion.


1. Psychopathia Sexualis by Richard von Krafft Ebing's

The German psychiatrist Krafft-Ebing attempted to classify every instance of "deviant" sexuality he encountered in his medical profession in this book, which was published in 1886.


With numerous statements from the doctor's patients discussing everything from rubber fetishism and incest to what we would today refer to as BDSM and homosexuality, it is written as a series of case studies.


Ironically, these books on Sexology enabled so-called outcasts (like homosexuals) to gain more acceptability in the decades that followed by aiding the development of the science of sexology.


2. Memoirs of a Sexologist, by Ludwig Lenz

Lenz's book, which was published in the middle of the 1940s, is an intriguing account of his work as a sexologist in the early 20th century, treating everyone from transsexuals who desired sex modifications to prostitutes who followed soldiers' camps during World War I.


Although his accounts of early sexual medicine are horrifying (there was briefly a trend for implanting rabbit testicles in human men for "vigor"), his descriptions of his patients are kind. Lenz, in contrast to Krafft-Ebing, never blames the "deviants," but instead works to support them as they navigate a society in which fetish clothing and homosexual marriage were still merely futurist fantasies.


3. Alfred Kinsey's Book - Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

As an entomologist who examined and classified wasp species at the beginning of his career, Kinsey brought a phylogenetic awareness to his study of sexuality. He shared Krafft-desire Ebing's to categorize human sexual behavior, with the exception that he promised to study and record all of it, whether or not it was considered socially acceptable.


Based on hundreds of men's anonymous interviews, the 1940s produced this enormous book as a result. The book was an enormous bestseller and contributed to the impression that "1 in 10 men" experienced homosexuality (this was likely due to selection bias because Kinsey spoke with a disproportionate number of guys in gay bars in New York). However, it also made oral sex and pre-marital sex known to the world.


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4. The Human Sexual Response by Virginia Johnson and William Masters

This book about sexuality was published in the late 1960s, investigated the physiological elements of sex, and made the concept of the "sexual response cycle" well-known. Numerous participants had their heart rates, galvanic skin responses, and muscular contractions monitored while they engaged in orgasmic masturbation.


The four stages of arousal and orgasm—excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution—were so characterized by Masters and Johnson. Each stage has distinct physiological signs, ranging from a flushed chest in plateau to involuntary muscular spasms every.8 seconds during the climax. Strangely, this book is no longer in print.


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5. My Secret Garden, by Nancy Friday

This book, which was released on Friday in the early 1980s as the result of hundreds of interviews with women about their sexual dreams and was essentially unedited, is the product of those conversations. The book, which was half sexology and erotica, would have made Krafft-Ebing blush this was a celebration of the female sexual imagination.


Furthermore, it contributed to the generalization of the idea that having sexual thoughts is common and that having those fantasies does not necessarily translate into actual desire.


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6. The Mating Mind, by Geoffrey Miller

Some of the most intriguing publications on the best sexology from the late 20th century are better understood as evolutionary psychology. In this book, evolutionary psychologist Miller analyzes the hypothesis that our ancestors' preference for intelligent and creative individuals led to sexual selection among humans.


In other words, by choosing to marry intelligent individuals, humans become smarter. It's not only a thought-provoking and interesting concept, but it also generally presents nerds as a natural result of evolution.


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7. The Ethical Slut, by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy

This underground blockbuster from the 1990s by author Hardy and therapist Easton gave readers sound psychological guidance on maintaining long-lasting, dependable romantic and sexual relationships with multiple people simultaneously.


It dispelled long-held misconceptions about non-monogamy by demonstrating that not all of these relationships were destructive "cheating" arrangements; rather, they could be just as healthy as monogamous ones and certainly more honest. This helped to popularize the term "polyamory" for multi-partner relationships.


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8. The Myth of Monogamy, written by Judith Lipton and David Barash

In this book, psychologist Barash and biologist Lipton explore how many creatures scientists have labeled "monogamous", providing a different viewpoint on the concerns raised in The Ethical Slut.


They establish the idea that there is a distinction between social monogamy (lifetime relationships) and sexual monogamy (exclusive sexual relations), and they use genetic testing to demonstrate that while many animals engage in social monogamy, very few do so sexually. including people.


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Sexology can be considered a branch of biology, psychology, sociology, forensics, medicine and criminology. The study of sexology attempts to understand how biological, psychological, and sociological factors influence human sexual behavior.


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