How to Make Myself Infertile and Infertility Causes


December-16, 2022

Nearly one in seven couples are infertile meaning they haven't been able to have a child while engaging in frequent, unprotected sexual activity for a year or longer. Male infertility has an effect on up to half of these couples.


Male infertility can be caused by low sperm production, abnormal sperm function, or blockages that prevent sperm from reaching the uterus. Conditions, accidents, ongoing health issues, lifestyle choices, and other factors might contribute to male infertility.


The condition of male infertility can be stressful and upsetting, but there are several treatments available.


The Sequence of a Healthy Process

The process of male fertility is intricate. Your partner needs to experience the following before getting pregnant:


- You must create healthy sperm: This relates to the development of the male reproductive system during puberty. To begin and sustain sperm production, your body needs to produce testosterone and other hormones, and one of your testicles needs to be in good condition.


- The sperm must be transported into the semen: After sperm are created in the testicles, they are transported through delicate tubes until they combine with semen and are expelled from the penis.


- The sperm count in the semen must be sufficient: If you have a few sperm in your semen, there is a lesser chance that one of your sperm may fertilize your partner's egg (sperm count). Low sperm counts are defined as having less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or less than 39 million per ejaculate.


- Sperm needs to operate and be mobile: Your sperm may not be able to enter or pierce your partner's egg if its motility or functions are abnormal.



Below are the causes and activities on how to make myself infertile as a man and how to eventually address the situation


Medical Causes

It has been demonstrated that a number of diseases and treatments have an impact on male fertility. (Also read: Difference Between Male and Female Viagra)



A varicocele is an enlargement of the testicular veins. It is the most frequent treatable reason for male infertility. Varicoceles may result in infertility for unclear reasons, however irregular blood flow may play a role. Sperm quantity and quality are decreased as a result of varicoceles.



Some infections may have an impact on sperm health or quantity, or they may cause inflammation that obstructs sperm passage. These include some sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and HIV as well as testicular or epididymal inflammation (orchitis). Although some illnesses can cause irreversible damage to the testicles, sperm is usually still retrievable.


Ejaculatory problems

Retrograde ejaculation results after orgasms because semen leaks into the bladder instead of the penis' tip. Retrograde ejaculation can occur through several medical disorders, including diabetes, spinal injuries, drugs, and surgeries on the bladder, prostate, or urethra.


Sperm-attacking antibodies

Immune system cells called anti-sperm antibodies wrongly perceive sperm as dangerous invaders and make an effort to destroy them. (Also read: Does Green Tea Make You Last Longer in Bed)



Male reproductive organs can be directly affected by cancers and nonmalignant tumors, indirectly through reproductive hormone-producing tissues like the pituitary gland, or through unexplained causes. Surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy used to treat malignancies can occasionally have an impact on male fertility.


Undescended testicles

One or both testicles in certain male fetuses fail to descend from the abdomen into the testicular sac during development (scrotum). Men who have experienced this illness are more prone to have decreased fertility.


Imbalances in hormones

Testicular problems or abnormalities affecting other hormonal systems, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, can cause infertility. Male hypogonadism, a condition marked by low testosterone levels, and other hormonal issues may have a variety of underlying reasons.


Defects in the sperm-transporting tubules

Sperm travels through a variety of tubes. They may become blocked for several reasons, such as unintentional harm from surgery, past infections, trauma, or improper growth, like in cystic fibrosis or other genetic diseases.


Any level of blockage is possible, including the testicle itself, the tubes that drain it, the epididymis, the vas deferens, close to the ejaculatory ducts, and the urethra. (Also read: Does Sildenafil Make Your Bigger: Know the Truth)


Chromosomal flaws

A male's reproductive organs grow abnormally as a result of inherited diseases such as Klinefelter's syndrome so the male is born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (instead of one X and one Y). Kallmann's syndrome and cystic fibrosis are two more hereditary diseases linked to infertility.


Difficulties during sexual contact

These include erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, anatomical anomalies like hypospadias, which is the presence of a urethral hole beneath the penis, and sex-interfering psychological or social issues.


Celiac illness

The digestive ailment known as celiac disease is caused by sensitivity to gluten, a protein that is present in wheat. Male infertility may be impacted by the disorder. Following the adoption of a gluten-free diet, fertility may improve.


Certain Medicines

Male infertility can be decreased by testosterone replacement therapy, long-term anabolic steroid use, chemotherapy for cancer, some drugs for ulcers and arthritis, and a few other drugs. (Also read: How to Unblock Penile Arteries, Increase Blood Flow to the Penis)


Prior Surgeries

Vasectomy, scrotal or testicular surgery, prostate surgery, and big abdominal surgery for testicular or rectal cancer, among other procedures, can all prohibit you from having sperm in your ejaculate.


Environmental Causes

Overexposure to some environmental factors, including heat, pollutants, and chemicals, can impair sperm function or production. Particular reasons include:


Industrial chemicals

Low sperm counts may be caused by prolonged exposure to specific chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, organic solvents, and painting supplies. Exposure to heavy metals Infertility may also result from lead or other heavy metal exposure.


X-rays or radiation

Although sperm production can be lowered by radiation exposure, it frequently eventually resumes its normal level. The generation of sperm may be irreversibly decreased by high radiation exposures. (Also read: What Happens If You Inject Trimix into a Vein?)


Overheating the testicles

High temperatures may harm sperm function and production. while research is few and inconsistent, constant use of saunas or hot tubs may temporarily lower your sperm count. Long hours of sitting, tight clothing or prolonged use of a laptop computer can all raise the warmth in your scrotum and somewhat lower sperm production. Although, the research isn't definitive.


Health, Way of Life, and Other Factors

Infertility in men can also be caused by:


The Use of Drugs

Anabolic steroids have the ability to decrease sperm counts and cause testicles to atrophy when used to promote muscle mass and strength. If you use cocaine or marijuana, your sperm production may temporarily decrease as well as its quality.


The Use of Alcohol

Alcohol use can reduce testosterone levels, lead to erectile dysfunction, and decrease sperm counts. Damage to the liver from excessive drinking might affect fertility.


Smoking tobacco

Men who smoke may have lower sperm counts than non-smokers. The effects of secondhand smoke on male fertility are also possible. (Also read: Does Having Sex Everyday Decrease Your Sperm Count )



Numerous factors, including the direct impact on sperm, as well as hormone changes that lower male fertility, can all contribute to obesity's ability to affect fertility.


When do you visit a doctor?

Consult a doctor if any of the following applies to you and you haven't been able to conceive after a year of consistent, unprotected sexual activity or earlier:


- Low sex drive, issues with erection or ejaculation, or other issues with sexual function.

- Testicle area ache, pain, bulge, or swelling.

- A history of prostate, genital, or testicular problems.

- A groin, testicles, penis, or scrotum procedure.

- A spouse who is above 35.

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